Saturday, August 28, 2021

"Children Will Listen"


It’s amazing how children learn to do things.  Even at a very young age, they learn by following their elders.  In this very cute scene, my one and one half year old great-great nephew Lennon is busily dusting the chairs in the church basement following his grandfather process of dusting all the chairs.  He sees his grandfather; he does what his grandfather does.  This is a lesson for all of us.  Children will be what we teach them.  I’m not talking about teaching them directly but setting examples for them.  If we do and say good things our children will listen and follow our examples.  If we do or say not so good things, they will follow that example too.  That is why it is so important that we set good examples for our children, no matter how young or how old they are.  Of course, that brings to mind the lyrics of that song “Children will Listen” from Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim.  Or as it goes…

Careful the things you say,

Children will listen.

Careful the things you do,

Children will see.

And learn.

Guide them along the way,

Children will glisten.

Children will look to you

For which way to turn,

To learn what to be.

Careful before you say,

"Listen to me."

Children will listen.

                  ---Stephen Sondheim


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