Saturday, April 27, 2024

MK shines in Shrek the Musical!

Molly Kate is only in junior high, but when Heritage High School started to cast their production of Shrek the Musical, they needed someone younger than high school to fill the role of Teen Fiona.  The show's director specifically chose Molly Kate to join the high school team for this show. And what an outstanding job she did performing amongst all those high schoolers!  Yes, Molly Kay shined in Shrek the Musical!


Molly Kate as Teen Fiona sings her big number "I Know It's Today"

The fairy tale characters in the cast of Shrek the Musical, at Heritage High School in Maryville, TN

MK with her biggest supporter, her "Stage Mom"

MK with her grandmother Donna

MK with her loyal friends and fans

And watch her performance in the short video above

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