Saturday, April 27, 2024

MK shines in Shrek the Musical!

Molly Kate is only in junior high, but when Heritage High School started to cast their production of Shrek the Musical, they needed someone younger than high school to fill the role of Teen Fiona.  The show's director specifically chose Molly Kate to join the high school team for this show. And what an outstanding job she did performing amongst all those high schoolers!  Yes, Molly Kay shined in Shrek the Musical!


Molly Kate as Teen Fiona sings her big number "I Know It's Today"

The fairy tale characters in the cast of Shrek the Musical, at Heritage High School in Maryville, TN

MK with her biggest supporter, her "Stage Mom"

MK with her grandmother Donna

MK with her loyal friends and fans

And watch her performance in the short video above

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Happy 21st Birthday Addy!



A birthday celebration in Lynchburg


Callie, Addy and Jason


Addy and her mom, Katie


Addy and her roommate



Addy and Jason


Let's all sing "Happy Birthday" to Addy

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Barrs and the Bears

 The Barr Family visited Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains recently.  They arrived around dusk and were fortunate to see thirteen bears during their visit.  Five of the bears were high up in the trees.  A great time for bear viewing.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

In Honor of Debbie


When my wife and I grew up, we both had our favorite movie star.  Although we didn’t know each other as teenagers, we discovered that both of us adored actress Debbie Reynolds and considered her our favorite and we looked forward to her next movie to arrive in the theater.  We both thought that “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” was one of her greatest roles.


It wasn’t until we were adults and married many years that we had the opportunity to see our favorite star in person.  That occurred in August of 1973 when we traveled to St. Louis to see Debbie in person in the Broadway show, “Irene” at the Municipal Opera.  Following the performance, we stood at the stage door to get her autograph.  Our second opportunity to see Debbie in person was on June 15, 1990 when we saw her perform live in “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville.


However, our most rewarding experience of seeing Debbie was on August 9, 2009 when we saw her perform her cabaret act at the Drury Lane Theater in Chicago.  Of course, by this time Debbie was 77 years old and we were in our sixties. But regardless of her age, Miss Reynolds gave a memorable performance and we managed to obtain some outstanding photos of her.  


So, in honor of Debbie, we present below our beloved “Debbie Reynolds Collection”.  All of these photos were taken by your author from the second row of the Drury Lane Theater during Debbie's performance and what a great show it was!


(I could not decide which photos to share on this page, so what the heck, I'm giving you all of them.)




Thank you Debbie for being the movie star of our hearts

Monday, April 8, 2024

Papa Turns 80 Years Old!!




Group selfie after the birthday meal

Papa with the Grands

Papa with his daughters

Everybody sings Happy Birthday to Papa