Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Big Snow of 2024!

On Sunday night, January 14, 2024 and on Monday, January 15, we experienced the first snow of the winter season and it was a big one indeed!  The official depth of the snow was 8 inches which was the deepest snow we have had since we lived on Oakcrest Lane. The week following the snow contained several nights with temperatures around zero degrees. It was over a week before the snow was able to melt away.

Here is a photo of the front yard taken from the front door:



To illustrate the depth of the snow, take note of the snow piled on the small bird bath located in the front yard:

Hey, and the Channel 4 weatherman went live to my birthplace--the white building to the right of the two buildings with the blue canopies. That is the site of the old Cadiz Clinic, my official birthplace.


And in East Tennessee, the view from the Barr front porch with the snow landscape including the fence, barn and mountains in the background is more than the this family could ever dream of in this picture postcard scene.

And the kids enjoy the snow 

And the inevitable sledding...

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