Friday, January 1, 2021

The Signifiance of the Birth of Lennon James Bridges

 One of the few highlights of the year 2020 was the birth of a new great-great-nephew in my family.  

Lennon James Bridges was born on April 21, 2020. He is the son of my great-nephew, Joshua Bridges and his wife Kayla.  Josh is the son of my nephew, Timothy Allen Bridges and his wife Lisa.

Lennon is in the fifth generation line of his great-great-great-grandfather and the only child at this point to carry the BRIDGES name.

You see, our patriarchal grandfather only had four children,  Alvin, Lorene, Peyton and Herbert.  The future of the BRIDGES  would seem safe as he had three sons and only one daughter, but Alvin had two daughters (No BRIDGES named heir here). And Herbert had one daughter. (No Bridges named heir here either.  So it was left up to Peyton to carry on the BRIDGES  name.  The odds looked good as Peyton had two sons and one daughter, Keidell, Charles Kenneth, and Juanita.  Alas, Charles Kenneth had two daughters.  So it was left up to Keidell to carry on the  BRIDGES name.  Fortunately, Keidell had three sons and one daughter, Chester, Timothy, Michael and Jeannie.  Chester had no children, so the continuation of the GHENT BRIDGES name has been left up to Timothy and Michael.  Timothy has two sons, Joshua and Jeremy and Michael has one son, Jacob.  So the future of the BRIDGES name is left up to  these three Bridges heirs.   So the birth of Lennon to Joshua is a celebration of the continuation of the GHENT BRIDGES  family name.

So from our patriarchal grandfather, Ghent Bridges, it is now up to Jeremy, Michael and you too, Joshua, to carry on the BRIDGES name.  Hang in there fellows!

Ghent Bridges
Peyton Bridges
Keidell Bridges
Tim Bridges
Josh Bridges
Lennon James Bridges

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