Friday, November 24, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023


A bountiful feast of turkey and all the trimmings...

My Nashville Girls

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Well Hello Dolly!!

 Looks like a familiar face guarding Miss Dolly while she sings at the Tennessee-Georgia Football Game in Knoxville on November 18, 2023

(The man responsible for all the logistics of Miss Dolly's Stadium visit)


Watch the video:

Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Dancing Lights of Christmas

 It's never too early to get in the Christmas spirit as the Family visits the Dancing Lights of Christmas in Lebanon, Tennessee on a Veterans Day weekend

And here are some videos:

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The King of Porter Elementary!!

William is selected by his classmates as the Basketball King for the 2023 Homecoming at Porter Elementary School (Yes, East Tennessee has homecomings for their elementary schools).  As a member of the basketball team he escorts a nominee for the Basketball Queen and stands next to the young lady who has been chosen as the Basketball Queen.  All hail King William and Queen Savannah!


The Basketball King and Queen

The King and Queen on the Basketball Court

Pinned as the King

Escorting the Nominee on the Court

The King's Royal Family

The Complete Royal Family


The Official Portrait of the the Basketball King and Queen

See the video of William becoming King of the Basketball Court below

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween 2023


Grace in her shark costume holding Peanut in his shark costume