Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Three Most Loved Sisters and a Tribute from their Mother

 At the Orlando Airport on the way home from Spring Break


Sisters. Three amazing young ladies that I am so very proud of. They have been through so much in the past 18 months. Divorce, death of their beloved Mimi, reoccurring cancer in their Papa, tornado, pandemic, several covid scares, ruined college semesters, ruined jr and sr year of high school, ruined last year in elementary school, overcoming severe bouts of anxiety… yet still they walk with their heads held high and are happy, well rounded girls

Sarah still managed to work a job while moving home and taking college classes and ended up on the Deans list, Addy works as well, makes amazing grades and got into the college she prayed hard to go too and Grace has matured into a beautiful young lady and is overcoming some of the most difficult challenges in her young life.

They lean on each other, love each other, pray for each other and yes fight with each other (they are sisters after all). I am honored and blessed to be their mother.



Monday, March 15, 2021

Zooming Along.....

The grandchildren have been doing it for over a year.  But now, Papa joins the newest generation of "Zoomers" by participating in his first "Zoom" meeting.  The quarterly meeting of the Board Meeting of the Hermitage Branch Friends of the Library was held by Zoom and it was a successful meeting.

Papa is in the upper left corner of the screen along with his fellow Library Board Members.