Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Thursday, December 23, 2021

AOO's Matilda the Musical -- Wow!

 This amazing production had some special guests

 in the audience in one of its performances

 That's  two time Tony Nominated Laura Osnes, incredibly talented artist and star of Broadway's "Bonnie and Clyde", "Cinderella" and "Bandstand" and her husband, Nathan Johnson, Alison Luff, who starred as Miss Honey in "Matilda" on Broadway and stage and film actor, Matthew Magnusson. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The White's Annual Christmas Dinner

 It's Christmas party time with a group of 

great "almost all" senior citizens!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Grace's Christmas Band Concert December 2021

 Grace has her first junior high band concert and

 she has first chair for her trumpet debut.

Here is Grace and her fellow trumpet player and friend, Zoe.

An here is her concert performance:

(The video is a little fuzzy, so just listen to the sound!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The 2021 Cheer-Dance Nationals Contest

 Molly Kate and her team participate in the 2021 Nationals Cheer-Dance Contest in Orlando.  Congratulations as they finish in Ninth Place in the national competition!

Off to Orlando

Visiting Universal Studios

Jurassic Park

And it's family time...

Ready for the big contest

The proud mom


And of course, here is their award winning performance:

Monday, December 6, 2021

"Away FROM the Manger"

 The Children's Choir of Hope Presbyterian Church present

 their annual Christmas Pageant

This year it is the comical "Away FROM the Manager".  Here are some highlights:


The Entire Cast

 MK as a star

William with his stage debut and he spoke his one line perfectly

William the actor

And the highlight of the evening was the choir parents presenting

The Twelve Days of Christmas

(Do you recognize our family parents?)

See the entire performance right here:

(program starts at approximately the 10.00 point in the video)

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

 Our bountiful spread for which we are thankful


A table full of food for a thankful and blessed family


The Rowe Family, our special guests!


Kendall and Shane


Sarah and Grace


 Addy, Ellie and Haley

And celebrating Thanksgiving in Texas at the Club

Look who's running for Cadiz City Council!


A politician in the family!