Sunday, May 26, 2024

Top of the Class

 School is out and the grand kids take home the awards for their outstanding grades and achievements this past year!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dee's Have a New Family Member

 Introducing "Scooter"

Getting a bath before he gets to his new home

A visit with Papa and resting on his chest

Meeting his new "petmate" Ellie the dog

A time for a rest after all this activity

Scooter has settled in to his new home

Scooter meets his new cousins

And it's bath time...

Friday, May 10, 2024

William "Mr. Sports Guy" Can do Drama too in His Elementary School Play!!

William is in Porter Elementary School's Drama Club's

 spring production of Aladdin


He plays the role of a prince and then is in charge of 

the light board for the production

Watch William in his big stage performance!

Friday, May 3, 2024

It's a Girl!!


Boston Dawn Bridges

Born May 2, 2024

Daughter of Joshua Peyton and Kayla Bridges

and sister to Lennon and Seger

(and the first to be named Boston in the entire T-B Family)