Saturday, May 29, 2021

Graduation Day May 28, 2021

 Addison Kate Dee--Class of 2021

Receiving her Diploma on a Rainy Evening

A Happy Mom is Drenched in the Rain

The Rain Clouds Come Rolling In

Graduation Roll Call for Addy in the Video Below

Addy Receives Her Diploma in the Video Below

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

William Wins "Remarkable Reader Award"



William is awarded the 2021 Remarkable Reader Award for his class!  Congratulations to this young reader!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Addy's Graduation Open House May 23, 2021





Beth is Ordained as an Elder in her Church


Beth is ordained as an Elder at Hope Presbyterian Church on May 23, 2021

The Ordination Ceremony

The Bulletin

Molly Kate and William at the Children's Sermon Prior to the Ordination

Here in is the Ordination Ceremony:

Here is the Children's Sermon:

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Addy, the 2021 High School Graduate


Happy Birthday! William Turns 8!


William Celebrates by Opening his Birthday Gifts

Birthday Dinner at the Oasis Restaurant with his sister

The Birthday Boy

Birthday Greetings from Dad

Just eight years ago, he came into our lives!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Prom 2021!!

 Addison's Senior Prom--a Lovely Lady Indeed!