Saturday, May 30, 2020

Last Day of School 2020

William joins his teacher and classmates on Zoom for their last day of school in the most unusual learning experience that was never anticipated. The last three months of school at home suffering through a pandemic.  

May next year be a return to normalcy. 

The Newest Bridges

Is he a Bridges or not?  This is the newest member of the family to carry the Bridges name, my great nephew Lennon Bridges, great grandson of my late brother.  My family all agrees he has that "Bridges" look, whatever that is.  Do love those beautiful eyes!.

Grace's Photo Experiment

Grace asked her family to take selfies and send them to her.  She then created a "moving" collage of the photos.

Alas, the Experiment didn't work and it didn't move when it was posted above to the blog.  But you can see her family anyway!

Texas River Rats!

Enjoying the Texas Rivers on a Warm Spring Day

William Jumps In

MK Does the Rapids

Back on Dry Land

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ravages of a Springtime Storm

On May 3, 2020, a spring storm raged through middle Tennessee racking havoc upon everything in it's path, including the back yard of the Bridges Family

Where did the wrought iron patio table go?  How about looking two stories down in the neighbor's yard?

The back yard as viewed from the deck above

Immediately after the storm 

The back yard as viewed from the deck above 

After the Cleanup


And a Video the back yard storm damage from the gound

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

William's Seventh Birthday!

In the days of social distancing and family quarantine, 

William could not have a birthday party as usual, but it 

was still a fun day

A Birthday Police Car Parade

Watch the Police Car Parade below:

And of course, there was the usual birthday cake: